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Pakistani President and Prime Minister condole death of Chinese engineers
2006-02-17 00:00


ISLAMABAD, Feb 17 (APP): President General Pervez Musharraf and Prime Minister Shaukat Aziz have condemned the killing of three Chinese engineers and expressed condolence with Chinese leaders. President General Pervez Musharraf in his condolence message to Chinese President Hu Jintao conveyed his sorrow and grief. President Musharraf in his message said, "I wish to convey to you, the government and the people of China our sense of shock, indignation and deep sadness on the loss of precious Chinese lives in a dastardly terrorist attack near Hub yesterday."


In his message, President Musharraf said, "The Government and the people of Pakistan share the pain of the Chinese people and in particular the sufferings of the members of the bereaved families." He said the despicable crime committed against Chinese friends was perpetrated on the mistaken belief that it could undermine the time-tested friendship and multiple bonds of goodwill and solidarity between the peoples of two countries. The President in his message further said, in fact, it will further strengthen the resolve to pursue with even greater vigour the campaign against terrorism in all its forms and manifestations.


He assured that all those involved in this terrorist act will be tracked and meted out the most severe punishment. The President said, "We will also ensure the safety and security of all Chinese nationals in Pakistan." He said, "We greatly appreciate the valuable contribution made by the Chinese nationals working in Pakistan to the country's economic development." Concluding his message the President said, "I wish to convey to your excellency and through you to the members of the bereaved families and the entire Chinese people, our heartfelt sympathies and most sincere condolences."


Meanwhile, the Prime Minister Shaukat Aziz in his message to Wen Jiabao, Premier of the State Council of the People's Republic of China, on the killing of the Chinese engineers in a terrorist attack in Hub expressed sense of shock, indignation and heartfelt sorrow at the most horrifying act of terrorism. Prime Minister Shaukat Aziz said, "Our hearts go out in sympathy to the families of our Chinese friends who fell victim to this sordid terrorist act. In this hour of grief the entire Pakistani nation shares the pain of their Chinese friends."


Shaukat Aziz assured that all those behind this sinister terrorist act will be tracked and meted out the most severe punishment. He said the heinous crime has been committed by common enemies in the mistaken belief that it could damage the rock solid friendship and multiple bonds of goodwill and solidarity between the peoples of two countries. The Prime Minister said in fact it has only further fortified the shared resolve to combat terrorism in all its forms and manifestations. Shaukat Aziz said the safety and security of all Chinese nationals in Pakistan will be ensured and all necessary measures in this regard will be taken. Concluding his message the Prime Minister said, "I wish to convey to your excellency and through you to the members of the bereaved families as well as to the Chinese people our most sincere condolences."

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