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Chinese Ambassador meets Amin Fahim
2007-05-30 00:00

Islamabad, May 29 (the Nation)---Chinese ambassador Luo Zhaohui called on Pakistan People's Party Parliamentarians (PPP-P) President Makhdoom Amin Fahim here on Tuesday at his party secretariat office.

They both discussed matters related to China and Pakistan. It was a courtesy call by Chinese newly appointed ambassadors aimed at developing familiarity with the major political parties of Pakistan.

" The discussion was mainly on the subjects of mutual interests of both nations," said Amin Fahim.

PPP-P President told the Nation, " We expressed our deep concerns over the ongoing judicial and political crisis in the country during the meeting with Chinese ambassador." " Every true friend of Pakistan is worried about the crisis and every diplomat sending reports to his country regarding Pakistan's constitutional crisis," he added.

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